My dad has been behind updating my blog – so with the end of the year 2018 coming it is about time we update everyone on things happening in my life.
If you follow my dad’s blog and videos, you will see we recently moved the family to Thailand in August this year. I came to K2 – Kindergarten level 2 here in Thailand at an international school. I learned to be in an English language school with 1 Thai language class a day.
It was big change for me because I already spent some years in a Hong Kong school in Shenzhen, China that had all day Chinese language with 1 English class a day. So the first month or two was challenging for me as I had to be forced to speak English – the teacher was from USA and didn’t speak any Chinese – and the TAs (teaching assistants) were from Thailand and didn’t speak Chinese either. Sometimes I would get in trouble because I wasn’t listening and would play with other Chinese friends in my class.
Each day the teacher would write in my school book to my parents. She would say that I am having trouble listening – but I told my mom and dad that I was a good boy. Not sure why the teacher said I was bad. But sometimes I even had to go to principal’s office and had a warning sent home from the principal.
But now it is the end of the first half of the K2 school year and I am doing much better. The teacher just sent notes back that I am doing “moderately ok” (on a level of good / moderate / needs improvement) 3 part scale. She said it is a big improvement in my listening skills and my English skills. I am a good boy and I am glad my teacher sees that.
After the winter break I will have a new teacher, also from USA. This is because my current teacher needs to transfer to the first grade class. The other first grade teacher had to go back to America – and they needed my teacher to move to that class.
But I have had the other new teacher in the class with us for some time now so we all like the new teacher.
For me, moving to Thailand has been a big change. Another big change is my grandfather has been with me almost my whole life. He has been in Thailand 2 times for about two months each time to help us with the new house and move. But just a few days ago earlier in December he returned back to Shenyang, China to be with grandma and my aunts and uncles. I will miss him so much.
I love to draw – it is my favorite thing to do. I love to make Atom Man and spider man and draw cars and buses. I will continue to improve my drawing.
Thank you for reading my blog update I hope to update more in the future.